All of us at Bluella wish you good health and safety as the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to unfold.
The Crisis Management Team (CMT), at Bluella got activated immediately to lead us through the COVID-19 outbreak and avert any disruption to our business or the services we provide to customers, while keeping our community safe. As we respond to the ongoing crisis, we have established core principles to keep us focused on what’s important. We ensure our employees stay safe. Maintain our commitment to customers and provide uninterrupted service and quality care. Protect our communities and commit to taking action to slow or stop the spread of COVID-19.
At this time, Bluella will continue to actively monitor, assess risk and if required, execute Business Continuity Plans where specifically needed. As part of our regular operational resilience planning, Bluella has many systems already deployed in a geo-separated manner, along with redundant active configurations. This allows our team to be continuously prepared to take on business continuity actions. Specifically, our planning for this type of event (in this case, COVID-19) ensures all critical staff can work from home without any service interruptions to our customers. This planning and validation of operational support processes has been completed by all management levels in Bluella . As an additional precaution, all non-essential business related travel across the organization has been restricted until further notice.